

Research project for the development of combined strategies for the optimization of water use in the fresh-cut processing industry.

Objective: Provide the fresh-cut industry with a comprehensive solution, the aqUAFRESH solution, which is anticipated to revolutionize a segment in constant growth as is the fresh-cut fruits and vegetables sector

Project contents:

  • This new system will provide the fresh-cut industry with an alternative to traditional chlorine based disinfection systems whilst continuing to guarantee food safety.

  • Prototyping of a new industrial washing process designed to apply new innocuous treatments more efficiently, increasing the sustainability of water and energy use.


Project duration: June 2017 - June 2019

Project partners: 


CNTA National Centre for Food Technology and Safety

(Centro Nacional de Tecnología y Seguridad Alimentaria CNTA)

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Eurostars Programme




Eric Lefebvre, Managing Partner Technical Director - KRONEN

A comprehensive hygiene concept for food technology

A comprehensive hygiene concept for food technology

Ever since KRONEN was founded, we have constantly developed our hygiene guidelines and continuously adapted our machines and processing lines according to the findings of the latest technical developments and current research in terms of hygienic design.

Quality and Hygiene